Wednesday, September 7, 2011

God uses the unlikely.

ive recently developed a love for historical fiction books, especially biblical history. so here's a recommendation for all your readers out there: Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers (favorite author of all time)

So far I've read Tamar, Rehab, and Ruth. I'm fascinated and in awe of these women and their faith in the ONE TRUE GOD.- the God they searched and desired even if He wasn't the god of their fathers. They yearned for more. They yearned for peace. And God picked them, He chose them from among the gentiles and used them in the lineage of Christ himself.

NOW that is LOVE.

If you don't feel like there's any way Christ would want to use you, if you feel discouraged, if you don't feel worthy, if you just don't understand why- this is my encouragement to you. God can, will, and wants to use you! nothing you've done, or could even think to do will change the way he feels towards you. You are his chosen one, His beloved, His child. Stop wallowing in your sorrows or shame, and put your eyes towards the maker of the heavens, the one who parted the Jordan river, who told the walls of Jericho to fall, who saved a prostitute from destruction, who answered prayer after prayer, and blessed the ones who put their faith in Him.

Let Him use YOU today. let Him answer YOUR prayers today. be the tamar, rehab, ruth. be the bathsheba, be the mary.

be the unlikely one whom God uses to change eternity.