Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Let's Go Exploring

This week in one of my quiet times with the Lord, He said this to me: "explore your passions, and find opportunities to serve them."

So today, that's my short and sweet words of encouragement to you. Figure out what your God given passions are, whether that be: the nations, people, music, kids, art, fashion, traveling, speaking, teaching, etc.- and find ways to serve those passions.

It was such a sweet reminder to me that God has created me with a specific design, including specific passions and He desires for me to go head first into serving those areas in my life. I truly believe He wants to remind you of that very thing today too.

He's been so faithful this week in not only revealing my passions that were unseen, and also opening doors to serve both those I knew and have just come to know. Praise Him.

Today, right now. . . explore your passions, and serve them.


  1. This makes my heart smile! God has been speaking to me a good bit about this lately! It is so good to see this and your encouragement to others to explore their passions and serving them and KNOWING that God created each of them for a specific reason and destination!!

  2. Ashton,
    This is just what I needed to hear today. I'm so glad I read it.

    Until ALL have Heard,
