Saturday, February 5, 2011

my best lamb.

"Lord, I don't NOT want to give my best lamb to you."
that was my prayer the other day and this is the revelation God spoke to my heart, in response to my cry.

God invited me over to dinner, (after asking what my favorite meal was of course). So he fixed me my momma's baked chicken, grammy's mashed potatoes, sister shubert rolls, and a big glass of sweet tea. So i went to dinner and enjoyed EVERY bite. later i cam to find out that God didn't actually even like baked chicken but he cooked it and ate it because he knew how much i longed for it. He really does love me that much. So in appreciation for his dinner for me i asked him over to eat at my house. He told me what his favorite meal was so i told him then time in which to be at my house ready to eat like a crazy man. As i was preparing his meal i decided i didnt have the time or energy. so instead i got our some chicken and potatoes and heated them up in the microwave and waited for his arrival. the time came and God walked in, sat at the table, and i served him the few bites i had leftover. He never complained nor said a word. He ate his few bites and was simply quiet. But then i looked at him and saw it. I hadnt given him my best. i hadnt given what he deserved. Id given what i wanted, what i could handle, what i was comfortable fixing. And thats when it all became so clear to me...he served me forgiveness, redemption, grace, and love, but more than anything else- he gave me Jesus. Even though he didnt like seeing him suffer and died- he did it cause he knew it was what my soul would crave. he knew jesus would satisfy my hunger. He loved me enough. And in return, to show my appreciation...i served only what i wanted. what didnt take much sacrifice. i gave him my attitude (but only sometimes), i gave him my future (but only the parts i didnt want to plan for myself), and i gave him my friendships (yet only cause i wanted him to bless them even more). And other than that i kept everything else for much for showing that im grateful. I served him a lousy bite of leftovers, and the entire time he never said a word. He ate the bite, and didnt complain. But i saw it in his eyes- he wanted more. He wanted me.

would you ever actually have the creator of the universe over and not feed him your best meal? so why friends do we live our lives in such a way that he only gets a bite or two?
Now here is my challenge to you...what meal lhas God asked you to prepare? what meal did he tell you was his favorite? For me, he asked for my family, my american dream, for my relationships, my comfort, but more than all of that He's asked for my heart. The keys to my garden, my temple, my soul. and now that Ive seen the look in his eyes- I'd never want to intentionally keep him from all of that. Just like He satisfied my hunger, i want to satisfy His. I want to serve my best meal, my best lamb cause thats what He deserves and desires. What are you serving today?


  1. Wow! Ashton...that really puts everything into perspective. Even those of us that God has placed on a different path than yours need to remember that wherever He placed us we are meant to offer Him our very best!!!
    When you're homesick, please remember that you are being constantly cradled and hugged in prayers!
    Be safe...we love you! Robyn

  2. Ashton, you are so filled with the Spirit of God. I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog. Although I've been a Christian for well over 30 years, it's refreshing (and sometimes painful) to learn more about my walk with God. You are in the smack-dab middle of God's plan for your life, and girl, you are being blessed, blessing others, and blessing God! Everyone is so proud of you and how you've set everything aside to do what our loving Lord has asked you to do. You have a beautiful, beautiful heart.

  3. Beautiful. I love you and am praying for you every day. Wonderful post.

  4. That is great! Such word picture you have painted here!

  5. Ashton,
    You are such an amazing young woman. I consider it a blessing to know you and have you as a friend! I pray God continues to bless you in the next couple of week before you come home. I can't wait to see you and hear what all the Lord has done in you, around you and through you! I truly look at you and just see TRUE and PURE BEAUTY...You let God radiate through you. You are so beautiful on the inside and it blasts through so that everyone can see it on the outside! I love you girl. I am so glad that you are following the Lord's will for your life, I know it is a truly amazing place to be! Again, I can't wait to see you!!! :)
    Love you!
    Holliegirl :)
